Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cherry Blossom Extract

I am constantly amazed by the progression of life. How one day, we are all best friends and then the next day a new routine sets in and we are no longer anything at all besides strangers passing at night.

It is also very curious how everyone loves each other but no one really likes one another.

I wore my track shirt to band last night, the one that says: "Don't do your best, do better than your best." If I was on the football turf with people that instead of trumpets and flutes wore spikes and throw discus, no one would have said anything. They understand the notion. Such is the world of track and field - numbers on scoreboards where milliseconds really do matter (at least in the sprints).

I kept getting comments from the band kids though. Not that they don't strive to do better than their best, but we aren't graded in any real way. We only have four categories to fluctuate in between and band is more of a team than I would consider track.

The comments I kept getting last night where along the lines of, "If you do better than your best, you have to do even better than that the next time and it will keep going and going! You'll never win!"


That is exactly how you win.

It was so easy to fall into routine at my shadowing. I would come in right when they opened and put my stuff down, talk about music and the differences between it and entertainment and what one I was truly working for. Then we'd lapse into a comfortable silence. Then, twenty hours later I'm not part of that routine anymore and it as if I've gotten another grey hair or a wrinkle. I like both though, they make me feel distinguished.

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